Letter of Support for Asian American Studies Enhancement at Northwestern University November 24, 2015 Letter of Support for Asian American Studies Enhancement at Northwestern UniversityWe write as Members of the Board of Directors of the Association for Asian American Studies.We support the students at Northwestern University in their pursuit of an enhanced Asian AmericanStudies curriculum and program, which includes offering a major in Asian American Studies.Establishing a major would provide students with the opportunity to receive a degree that would enhancetheir careers and make invaluable contributions to the university curriculum.The Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) was founded in 1979 for the purpose of advancingthe highest professional standard of excellence in teaching and research in the field of Asian AmericanStudies. The AAAS is also founded for the purpose of educating American society about the cultural,economic, political, and social history of Asian Americans. The AAAS sponsors professional activities tofacilitate increased intellectual exchanges and scholarly collaboration among scholars, administrators,researchers, teachers, students, and community leaders in the field of Asian American Studies.As members of AAAS, we have extensive experience conducting research, publishing, and teaching inthe field of Asian American Studies. In our role as Board Members and as university professors, we havewitnessed first-hand the ways in which Asian American Studies has enhanced the educational experiencesand career aspirations of students across the country. Asian American Studies:• creates new intellectual avenues for students to learn about and navigate increasingly diverseeducational and work environments• allows students to develop critical analytic skills by presenting alternative perspectives oncitizenship, belonging, and representation• signals to potential employers that students understand a broad range of experiences related toimmigration history as well as ethnic and racial relationsNot only do Asian American students benefit from exposure to Asian American Studies courses andprograms, but a robust Asian American Studies program gives all students, including those who are nonAsian American, the opportunity to learn more about race and society through an Asian American lens.Sincerely,Linda Trinh Vo (President)ProfessorDepartment of Asian American StudiesUniversity of California, IrvineCathy Schlund-Vials (President-Elect)Associate ProfessorEnglish and Asian/Asian American StudiesDirector, Asian and Asian American Studies InstituteUniversity of Connecticut, Storrs Board Members:Madeline Y. HsuAssociate Professor, Department of HistoryDirector, Center for Asian American StudiesThe University of Texas at AustinDaniel Y. KimAssociate ProfessorEnglish and American StudiesBrown UniversityDaryl MaedaChair and Associate ProfessorDepartment of Ethnic StudiesUniversity of Colorado Bouldererin Khue NinhAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Asian American StudiesUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraLeilani NishimeAssociate ProfessorDepartment of CommunicationUniversity of Washington, SeattleRay San DiegoPh.D. StudentCulture and Theory ProgamUniversity of California, IrvineNitasha Tamar SharmaAssociate ProfessorAfrican American Studies and Asian American StudiesNorthwestern UniversityGrace WangAssociate ProfessorAmerican Studies ProgramUniversity of California, DavisJanelle WongProfessorAmerican StudiesDirector, Asian American StudiesUniversity of Maryland, College Park
11-03-2023 AAAS Endorsement of Solidarity with Palestine Statement The Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) unequivocally supports Palestinian freedom and self-determination. Currently, Israel, one of the world’s major military powers, is enacting collective Read More
02-19-2019 Letter to Dean Cole at the University of Michigan Regarding Professor John Cheney-Lippold Elizabeth R. Cole, Interim DeanCollege of Literature, Science and the ArtsUniversity of [email protected] Dear Dean Cole:We write the Executive Board of the Association for Asian Read More
12-18-2015 Letter of Support for Ethnic Studies concentration at Brown University Letter of Support for Ethnic Studies concentration at Brown UniversityWe write as Members of the Board of Directors of the Association for Asian American Studies.The Read More