New Categories To highlight and share the important work of scholars, teachers and activists, JAAS is pleased to announce a new section devoted to two pressing areas within Asian American Studies: Critical pedagogy and Activist-Scholarship. We welcome essays from those engaged in Asian American Studies and/or communities. It is an invitation to share their innovative approaches, raise tough questions, and push the field to think in ever more critical and creative ways. Papers should articulate a central argument or address a specific question central to the field. Critical Pedagogy We are seeking original essays that critically engage pedagogical concerns and/or provide innovative solutions relevant to the field of Asian American Studies. More than a compilation of teaching strategies, critical pedagogy is an active tool of knowledge production that unsettles common sense assumptions through its attentiveness to practices and experiences that have historically been denied. We encourage original analytical essays that incorporate and/or extend Asian American critique in the classroom and beyond. Activist Scholarship We welcome new analytical interventions on the political, ethical, and/or practical issues in producing scholarship for social justice in Asian American Studies. Just as there are myriad modes of forming activist scholarship, there are just as many dilemmas and challenges in engaging the seemingly impossible divide between theory and practice and researcher and the researched. Rather than a description of a particular organization or project, we seek analytical considerations that incorporate critical self-reflection that delve into complex questions of praxis, engage fundamental contradictions endemic to these efforts, and/or promote new innovations in activist scholarship within Asian American Studies. Given the unique nature of these papers, they will undergo review distinct from other submissions. Each paper will be reviewed by the Journal Editor and one external reader; and will not be anonymous. Expected length is 3,000 words (excluding endnotes or other printed matter) and no abstract is required. Submissions cannot be previously published in print or online. Include Your Category and Title Submit online at Manuscript Central Submit Articles